BETSy’s park

Our Why

This low-impact park sited on White Oak Pond in Holderness, NH has been created to honor Betsy O’Leary Abelson’s adventurous spirit, love of the outdoors and love for community. The park offers spaces for residents or taxpayers in the Squam Watershed towns (Ashland, Center Harbor, Holderness, Moultonborough and Sandwich) to participate in many of the activities in which Betsy found both excitement and peace, and it provides a natural, lovely setting for the thing that she valued most – spending time with family and friends.


Live in the sunshine, swim in the sea, drink the wild air

–Ralph Waldo Emerson


Our Betsy

This woman was a wonder in every way. Betsy effortlessly embodied generosity, strength and intelligence, and informed each of these with a deep and abiding love of family, friends and the lakes and mountains in which she was raised.

Betsy's Story


Betsy’s Park

Have a picnic, play, walk a trail, ice skate, cross country ski, reflect in a tranquil setting. This place offers the kind of outdoor fun Betsy loved!

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Be part of this!

We have more big plans and need help with maintaining the park. We hope you’ll be a part of them. We’re looking for volunteers to help with all kinds of park tasks. Have a special talent you’d like to contribute? Click on “I’d like to help” below and fill out our volunteer form.

Betsy’s Park has been fortunate to receive generous initial support from a number of families and individuals in the Squam community. We’d love to add you to our donor list, and are gratefully accepting contributions at any level.


Volunteer at betsy’s park

It’s going to take our wonderful community to make this happen. We’d love your help!

donate to betsy’s park

Join our generous donors to date, and be a part of this community project with a gift of any amount.